salome (murid yesus) bahasa Inggris
- salome: salome
- murid-murid pertama yesus: calling of the disciples
- murid yang yesus kasihi: disciple whom jesus loved
- murid: apprentice; disciple; pupil; student; undergraduate; educatee; academic; learner; cub; assimilator; follower; dropout; sectator; school children; adherent; schoolchild; scholar; school-age child; ap
- salome aleksandra: salome alexandra
- salome zurabishvili: salome zourabichvili
- hafalan oleh murid-murid: recitation
- kongregasi murid-murid tuhan: congregatio discipulorum domini
- murid-murid isa: disciples of jesus in islam
- yesus: jesus; prince of peace; savior; the nazarene; redeemer; jesus of nazareth; son of man; king of kings; christ; lamb of god; son of god; the lord; good shepherd; jesus christ; messiah; high priest; pr
- salome (permainan panggung): salome (play)
- salome anak herodias: salome
- anak murid: schoolchild; pupil; student; school-age child; educatee
- bekas murid: old boy/girl
- murid (kekristenan): disciple (christianity)